Top Ten Reasons— A Must-Read for Men


Many straight men have a kind of erotic autism when they are making love; that is, they are not able to read the erotic body language—the in-bed sexual responses of their female partner—well enough, so she doesn’t experience as much pleasure as she could.

The good news is that just as people on the medical autism spectrum can be taught to read emotional body language and verbal cues to improve their everyday relationships, so too straight men can learn to more closely discern what builds a woman’s wild desire and so improve sexual satisfaction for them both.  

The straight men in erotic novels have learned what women love. That’s why these novels turn women on. Granted these novels are fiction and fantasy; nevertheless, men could learn a lot from them.

Sadly, many men say things like, “These novels do nothing for me. They don’t turn me on.”  Duh! They are not supposed to turn you on. Rather you need to read them as a sure-fire, how-to book to turn on your partner.

Here is a list of the top reasons women love erotic novels— the order is arbitrary.

Reason 10

Her lover celebrates that she loves sexual pleasure, and he puts her sexual pleasure first. 

Reason 9

Her lover often makes her breakfast and always has coffee ready when she awakes. 

Reason 8 

Her lover cleans up the kitchen (like how often does that happen).

Reason 7

Her lover truly delights in her and in giving her pleasure. 

Reason 6

Her lover’s masculine identity and arousal is increased by the thrill he gets in giving her so much sexual pleasure. 

Reason 5 

Her lover encourages her to disclose her deepest erotic fantasies so she can admit them to herself and he can fulfill them. 

Reason 4 

Her lover knows what words to say and what tone to use to keep building her desire. 

Reason 3 

Her lover loves to watch her give herself sexual pleasure, giving her more permission to do so. 

Reason 2

Her lover communicates with her to know what excites her, asks her what she likes, and watches her closely to see how she reacts to his every touch . 

Reason 1 

Her lover adores her so much that he gives her multiple orgasms before he enters her, and he sometimes asks her to hold back her climax so it will be stronger (like whenever does that happen). 

What are your favorite reasons for reading erotica?




What does pleasure mean to you?