Jewels Are Everywhere

Summer Rain

What a soaking last

night! Morning lawns and leaves

keen in orgasmic green.


Jewels Are Everywhere

Jewels Are Everywhere


diamonds that silver my 

hair in sunlight,

onyx in the 

center of my iris,

crystals on the petals

of my lips

when I sip water,

on the carapace 

of cut avocado 

when a bead of

moisture escapes.


Jewels are everywhere,

in feral places

along the winding

muddy road, 

in the pearl 

moon reflected 

on a lake of pothole,

in the porous moment 

waiting for a jewel

of sound to fill it up—

one raindrop .


Jewels are everywhere,

an amethyst 

in whiff of lilac,

on a velvet tongue

caressing my neck,


down, down

every pore

of my body

to the wild 

raspberry ruby of me.


Once my body was 

the jewel, the treasure,

the fresh bedsheet

just brought in 

from the line.

Silken was my 

lemon butter skin—

edible, lick-able,

so smooth and tight—aglow

in a moonlight lake of pothole.


I didn’t know,

I didn’t know

my body would go,

wander a while

into wrinkles.

So slowly, so slowly,

it went.

I didn’t know 

my hair would turn

so white, so wild, 


flying this way and that,   

fireflies trapped 

in a capped jar,

amber embers 

going out 

one by one.

“You don’t have 

to  let yourself go,” he says.

But I am going 

whether I want to or not. 








“Look at the light of this hour!”


My Pleasure.